Swift House Placement Progress

My school placement is at Williston Central School in the Swift House. This house is comprised of 6-8 grade students. Myself and two other St. Mike's students go once a week, for an hour, to gain firsthand experience of working with ELL students. We are usually there during their writing time, which is an excellent opportunity to work with ELL students.

It is important to note that while other districts in the greater Burlington area may have a large spectrum of diversity, Williston Central does not, as there are only about 3 ELL students in the Swift House. Before I met the students I've been working with ( a 6th grade boy and 7th grade girl), their teachers explained to me that they speak English at a very high level
. In fact, they are fluent and can understand and react appropriately in a normal classroom. Their teachers told us that what designated them technically as ELL students was the fact that they speak a different language at home. This was important for me to know going in because it enabled me to change the way I was planning on helping these students. Now, instead of focusing solely on learning the English language, I am able to push their thinking process in different, dynamic, ways.

Although I may not be aiding my ELL students in the traditional sense, I still feel this is an extremely rewarding experience. I am still able to get direct experience working with students from different cultures and bilingual students. While I may not be applying the WIDA standards in the traditional manner, they can still be used as a precising tool to evaluate where a student is achieving in a designated area. Overall, my placement is going quite well, and appears to be a positive experience for both the students and myself.


  1. This is great! I am glad you are recognizing both what you have to offer and learn in your situation.


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