
 One theory of  development that I am interested in learning more about and eventually incorporating in my classroom is constructivism . The idea that a majority of new learning is built from prior knowledge  aligns with how I want to encourage my students to approach learning. This concept can also be applied outside of the classroom. From a young age, students can use the skills they are learning and keep building upon them in new and dynamic ways. This also encourages  a growth mindset which  I believe to be a healthy way to approach challenges both inside and outside of the classroom.
   There is also a focus on allowing students to shape the way their brain is developing, which empowers the individual, and gives them a sense of ownership of their education. As an educator, my role would be to help guide this way of learning and create learning opportunities that can support these ideas. My one worry on this approach would be how to engage students at the beginning, and get them to really interact with whatever material I am teaching. This model seems to work well with students who are already interested in learning, but for students who may feel weary about taking charge of their education, this may be challenging. Although, despite these challenges I hope to implement this in my classroom in the future.



  1. I love the connection you make between constructivism and growth mindset. You also start to make some great connections between brain development and a constructivist approach. I think there's more to explore here, though! Great question at the end.


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