
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Hate U Give

In a different take on a book report, I would like to update you on the YA novel my PLC group and I are reading by comparing the characters to astrology signs! Each character in this novel has a distinct personality, which will make this more fun! Hope you enjoy! ********** Starr Carter, a 16 year old, lives in a poor neighborhood, but attends a fancy suburban prep school. As if this complete culture crash was not enough for an adolescent brain, these worlds are shattered when she witnesses the fatal shooting of Khalil, her (unarmed) best friend, at the hands of a police officer. His story becomes a national headline, and many are calling Khalil a "thug" or "drug dealer", when in reality these could not be further from accurate. Rallies begin and protesters start protesting in Khalils name. Some of those in power attempt to intimidate Starr and her family, in attempt to learn what really happened that night. Only Starr truly knows, and this novel follows her ex